{Have a Nice Day from Jenny's Flowers}

Exotic Tropical Wedding
{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium and Foliages }

Exotic Tropical and High Style Arrangement
Perfect for Contemporary Floral Design

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{The arrangement made for Jacky's Co-worker Get Well}

Exotic Tropical

{Tropical Arrangements with Heliconia, Anthurium, Red Ginger, Canna, and foliages include: Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, and Ti Leaves. }

Tropical Bird

{Exotic flowers are combined to create lovely contemporary treatment of Oriental designs.}


{This arrangement is perfect for Vietnamese New Year}

Tropical Arrangement

{The Tropical arrangement delivered to Nekar Corp.}

Jacky's Nekar

{Anthrium, Ginger, Orchid, and greens}

Tropical Paradise

{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium , Ginger, and Foliages}

Tropical Paradise

{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium , Ginger, and Foliages}

Exotic Tropical

{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium , Ginger, and Foliages}

Exotic Tropical

{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium , Ginger, and Foliages}

Exotic Tropical

{Conteporary Bouquet with Anthurium , Ginger, and Foliages}

Exotic Tropical

{I made this lai with carnation}


{Exotic Tropical Centerpieces}

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